Tuesday 6 August 2013


When we are young we always yearn to be adults because of the freedom adults enjoy.interestingly after we have grown we fear to accept that we are adults,that is why you will see very many grown ups doing childish things.When I finished primary school I was told to stop playing with toy cars that because I was grown up now,another day I saw a certain new juice brand and wanted to buy but the shop keeper told me it was meant for kids.

A friend of mine received a call from her friend telling her that she was pregnant and immediately she was going to say "Oh my God,what are you gonna do?",but then after a quick thought in a second she said "Wow,congratulations " because she realized that they are not children any more,they had grown up and adults get pregnant and have babies.

A friend of mine came to me and she began telling me real personal stuff about her relationship and she need advice.At first I didn't know what to say but then after some time I realized I was a grown up and needed to say something.
When I left home for college and was left alone,at first I thought of blaming people for not helping me but then afterward I realized I had grown and therefore needed to find work and survive on my own.
To be an adult involves making hard decisions of life.people fear to be called adults because they fear responsibilities.When you don't have a home of your own,no Job security,no.....you pretend you are still young.For ladies if she is not yet married and desperately searching for Mr right,though she is 28 she will pretend to be 20.
We don't choose to be male or female but to be a man or woman it is a personal choice you make and acompany it with actios. (1 corithians:13:11) the apostle paul said "when I was a child ,I spoke as achild;but when I became a man,I put away childish things."
You may be old in years but your actions show you are still a child .Some of us need to be reminded that we have grown up and need to put away childish ways.Adults think about The Future,five,ten,twenty years from now.When live in a world where everything is done for today .fast food restuarants,holiday parties ,sex just for pleasure his unwanted pregnancies,lottery tickets,beting etc.No time for future plans.
Someone once said "if you have a girl friend and she begins to talk about future, just know she becoming spoiled." People of this generation fear marriage because they think it is some kind of prison.
(Heb:11:24-25) when Moses became of age,he decided to leave his guardian's home and join the slaves because he looked at his future and ignored the passing pleasures.
(1 kings:1:2) When king David was leaving this earth,he instructed Solomon his son to 'prove himself a man' .He said be strong therefore and prove yourself a man. In Bugisu region to be a man you have to go through the circumcision process.
They say change is inevitable,whether you pretend to be something you are not,you will change.Those old friends will change,you body will change.The strength you have now may not be felt sometime to come.Only one person can not change.
(Malachi 3:6) the good book says,"For I am the Lord,I do not change,therefore you are not consumed,O sons of Israel".
Him who created us male or female did that with a purpose,and unless we accept who we are and go to him for guidance ,we can not know that purpose,He knows you need a partner,he knows you need a Job.
A time comes when you stop following and you begin to lead so that others can follow you.
When Moses was of age he said to Joshua "Am old and can not come in or go out with you any longer,but be strong and of good courage,for you must go with this people to the land which the lord has sworn to their fathers to give them,and you shall cause them to inherit it.

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