Wednesday 19 February 2014

Letter to Obama


To:H.E Barrack Obama
white house USA

Your excellency following your letter which you addressed to Uganda
following the decision that had been made by the lawmakers of Uganda
to criminalize homosexuality,on behalf of my country I would like to
thank you for taking some time to monitor our progress,for the good
book says ' we are our brothers' keepers 'quoting from your
letter,you said.
"That is why I am so deeply disappointed that Uganda will shortly
 enact legislation that would criminalize homosexuality,"
Your excellency,we are so sorry to learn that we have disappointed
you,if it is possible please we request that you find a place in your
heart to forgive us,because honestly we did not intend to disappoint
or hurt anybody.How I wish that there was a better way to avoid
homosexuality in our society than enacting a law against it.So since
we can't find a better alternative ,we hate to disappoint you sir,I
hope on this issue we will agree to disagree.
You also said
"The Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda, once law, will be more than an
affront and a danger to the gay community in Uganda. It will be a step
backward for all Ugandans and reflect poorly on Uganda's commitment to
protecting the human rights of its people."

Your excellency,my people and I would like to agree with you that
yes,enacting this law will indeed be a step backward ,but backward
from a wrong path unto a right one.
In the good book we believe in,it is written.
" Stand in the ways and see,and ask for the old paths,where the good
way is,and walk in it;Then you will find rest for your souls. Jeremiah
For we believe God was wondering what took us too long to decide the
right path,that sex should be practiced in marriage and marriage
between a man and a woman .we believe that sexually God intended them
to be male and female.For he said
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to
his wife,and they shall become one flesh."genesis 2:24.For such a
right,no man should rob from them.And we are just saying ,to force someone
to practice homosexuality ,is violating their natural human right.
Your excellency,in your letter you also said,
"As we have conveyed to President Museveni, enacting this legislation
will complicate our valued relationship with Uganda,"
Your excellency ,I don't see why this issue would go that far,You see
one of your men there in the USA by the name of Rick Warren said
"A journey is always better when shared" .The US and Uganda have been
sharing a journey for a very long time,can't we just make this thing
work without 'complicating' our relationship ?
but anyway,if the cost of this anti gay law is a complicated
relationship ,then I think we will have to pay it,and we will pay it
with joy because we know ,this law will shut up the gates of a fiery
Hell and simplify our relationship with God who is in Heaven.
Your excellency ,I have tried taking care not to use harsh words and
if in any way I have used an inappropriate word,I beg to be pardoned.
Finally I would like to ask for a favor if I may, that if you happen to pass by Utah ,your excellency
I ask that you say Hi to my friends there at the Mormon church not
forgetting those in Virginia.To those in Kansas ,please ask them to
show the Homosexuality community there some love by serving them not
threatening and denying them service.Tell country singer Allan Jackson
that I know Jesus too and I talk to God and I remember this from when
I was young,Hope,Faith and love are some good things he gave us and
the greatest is love.
For God and my country.
Yours Omutuzze

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